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Original 25 exemplar services

In 2013, 25 exemplar services were prioritised for transformation.

Designed to be ‘simpler, clearer and faster to use’, the Digital Transformation programme aimed to deliver ‘digital services so good people prefer to use them’.

Logo for the Digital Transformation programme.

Cabinet Office

  1. Register to vote

    Use this service to apply to register to vote or to: update your name, address or other details on the electoral register, change whether you’re on the open register

Department for Business Innovation & Skills

  1. Find an apprenticeship

    Search the find an apprenticeship service for apprenticeships in England.

  2. Claim for redundancy and monies owed

    Use this service to claim money if your employer owes you a redundancy payment or other money like wages, holiday and commission.

  3. Renew a patent, trade mark or registered design

    Use this service to renew up to 1,500 patents, trade marks or registered designs and sign up for renewal reminders.

  4. Search for property information from HM Land Registry

    Find information about a property in England or Wales, even if you do not own it. Search by address to find the owner, how far its general boundaries extend and whether it’s at risk of flooding.

  5. Apply online for student finance

    Apply online for student finance

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

  1. Register as a waste carrier

    Register or renew registration with the Environment Agency to transport, buy, sell or broker waste.

  2. Rural Payments

    You can use the service to apply for rural grants and payments, including the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS).

Department for Transport

  1. View your driving licence information

    You can use this service to view your driving record, for example vehicles you can drive, check your penalty points or disqualifications or create a licence ‘check code’ to share your driving record with someone, for example a car hire company.

  2. Put a registration number on a vehicle

    Assign or take off personalised number plates

  3. Register a vehicle

    Allows authorised vehicle manufacturers or retailers to register new vehicles or new imported vehicles for the first time.

Department for Work and Pensions

  1. Apply for Carer’s Allowance

    Lets users who care for another person for more than 35 hours a week get a regular payment so that they can carry on giving care.

  2. Apply for Personal Independence Payment

    Lets users who are disabled or have a long-term health condition apply for a Personal Independence Payment to help them live independently.

  3. Universal Credit

    Universal Credit (UC) Digital provides a simple, personalised digital and non-digital service for claimants and staff.

HM Revenue and Customs

  1. Check or update your company car tax

    Use this service to check your company car’s details, tell HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about any changes to your car since 6 April, and update your fuel benefit, if your employer pays for fuel.

  2. Pay your tax

    The deadlines for paying your tax bill are usually 31 January and 31 July

  3. Business tax account

    View and access your business taxes in one place

  4. Agent services account

    Agent services accounts (ASA) allow tax agents to use certain HMRC services.

Home Office

  1. Registered Traveller

    Registered Traveller is a membership service which offers faster and more convenient entry at passport control for frequent travellers.

  2. Apply for a passport

    Use this service to apply for, renew, replace or update your passport and pay for it online.

  3. Apply for a Standard Visitor visa

    If you need a visa, you must apply online before you travel to the UK.

Ministry of Justice

  1. Money Claims

    You can make a money claim if you think a person or organisation owes you money and will not pay you back.

  2. Employment Tribunals

    Make a claim to an employment tribunal.

  3. Visit someone in prison

    Use this service to book a social visit to a prisoner in England or Wales.

  4. Make a lasting power of attorney

    A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that lets you (the ‘donor’) appoint one or more people (known as ‘attorneys’) to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf. This gives you more control over what happens to you if you have an accident or an illness and can’t make your own decisions (you ‘lack mental capacity’).